Haikavetham Gotcha for Gaza

This is a fundraising event to raise money for the people of Palestine, in exchange for fanworks involving Alhaitham and Kaveh Genshin Impact.UPDATE: Creator Sign Ups are OPEN! Go to Creator Info page for the form!

How it works:
Creators (artists, writers etc.) can sign up as volunteers to fill prompts submitted by donors. Donors can submit prompts after showing proof of donation (at least US$5-$8) via screenshots.

  • Creator Application: 24th June to 8th July

  • Donation Period: 9th July to 9th August

  • Prompt Completion: By 9th September

-Remember to do your daily clicks for UNRWA-

Creator Info

Creator Application: 24th June to 8th JulyApplication Form: Click Here!Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer creator!

  • We are now also accepting creators below 18 years old! But they will strictly NOT be allowed to sign up for NSFW or join NSFW spaces.

  • After application, we will send you a Twitter DM as confirmation as well as an invite link to the Discord server. (Please ensure your Twitter DMs are open during this time.)

  • Once you have joined the Discord server, please read through the #rules and agree to it to access the rest of the channels.

  • Prompt assignments will be done via reacting to the prompts in 1-prompt-react (nsfw: 🔞-1-nsfw-prompts-react).

  • Then in raffle fashion, the mods will randomly assign the prompt based on the reacts and will announce it in 2-prompt-raffle (nsfw: 🔞-2-prompt-raffle).

  • If you have been assigned a prompt, please refrain from reacting to any new prompts until you have completed your current one.

  • If you really want a prompt that's already been claimed, please discuss with the person who claimed it.

  • There are no set requirements for the works i.e. word count, level of rendering for artworks etc. Creators are free to do however much they can or want for the prompts. A quick sketch or short drabble is good enough!

  • Creators have until 9th September to complete the prompts. When posting, please be sure to tag the event page and the person who requested the prompt (unless they request to be anonymous). The Gotcha event page can help to post on behalf of creators who do not wish to post the works on their own profiles.

  • For NSFW works, please do turn on content warning.

Donation Info

Donation Period: 9th July to 9th AugustDonation Form: Coming Soon

  • We are only counting donations to the causes listed below. You can find out more about each cause + their donation links below.

  • After you have made your donation, take a screenshot of your proof of payment, and submit that to the donation Google form. Please redact your personal information in the screenshot. If possible, make sure the amount donated and date is visible. You may submit as many prompts as you like according to the amount you have donated.

  • The prompts will be claimed and fulfilled by the creators.

  • As this is an event centered around Alhaitham and Kaveh, prompts that don't have anything to do with the two will not be allowed. On the other hand, non-ship prompts that involve either of them (e.g. "Kaveh eating a watermelon") are welcomed.

  • Please do state clearly the dynamics you are requesting (e.g. Haikaveh OR Kavetham OR No preference)


  • SFW Prompts = US$4

  • NSFW Prompts = US$8


  • Care For Gaza is a non-profit charity in aid of helping the needy families of Palestine. Donate here: PayPal / GoFundMe

  • E-Sims for Gaza is a non profit organization focusing on connecting the people of Gaza with the rest of the world. Redeem a prompt by submitting to us a screenshot of the email of E-Sim sent to the E-Sims for Gaza email. DO NOT send us the E-Sims QR code. Click the following for walkthroughs on purchasing e-sims: Nomad / Airalo / Holafly / Simly

  • Palestinian Children's Relief Fund - Donate Here

  • Pious Projects is a platform for hosting charity campaigns for people in need. Click on the name to view Palestinian campaigns.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the requirements for volunteering as a creator?
A: Anyone can join as long as you have a Discord account!
Q: How will the prompts be assigned?
A: Prompts will be posted on the #prompt-assignment channel. Creators are free to claim whichever prompt they want by reacting with an emoji. Please only claim 1 prompt at a time, you can claim another once you have finished with your previous prompt. NSFW prompts are in another channel.
Q: Is there a limit to the amount of prompts I can claim?
A: Nope! As long as there are free prompts and no one claims them yet, you can claim as many as you like or can do. But as mentioned above, please only claim 1 at a time.
Q: What do I do after I finished creating for my prompt?
A: You have until 9th September to complete and post all prompts but try to do so for each prompt as soon as you can.
There will be different preferences to how the donor receives their contributions:
- Anonymous donor: You are free to post the piece publicly on Twitter and other social media without tagging the donor, but be sure to tag the event page (@hkvthm_action)
- Anonymous creator or creator without Twitter: We will help post it for you on the event page. If you have other social media like Instagram, you can still post it there yourself.
Q: How many prompts can I donate?
A: There are no limits! You can donate as many prompts as you like according to the amount you donated (e.g. $16 = 4 SFWs OR 2 NSFWs).
Q: Why is the donation amount so low?
A: As brought up by Link Click Gotcha for Gaza, the lowest priced plan for E-Sims is US$4 so we have adjusted it to the same to allow for those donations.
Q: How will this help the people of Gaza?
A: The purpose of the Gotcha for Gaza events is to encourage people to donate directly to aid organizations and other fundraisers, in exchange for fanart/fanfic/fanvids etc made by volunteers. The event organizers are only here to manage the prompts and raise awareness for the fundraisers. All money donated goes directly to organizations like Care for Gaza, PCRF etc and individual GoFundMe evacuation funds.
Q: How do I submit a prompt?
A: You can submit via the Google form. Your prompts should be as detailed as possible.
e.g.: Modern AU mechanic Kaveh leaves after race to find commentator Alhaitham
Q: What causes can I donate to?
A: Please check out the Donation Info page for the list of causes we are accepting.